S.A.L.F. S.p.A contributed to the donation of life-saving drugs, to help Ukrainian population .

S.A.L.F. S.p.A. stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and through two non-profit organizations: Banco Farmaceutico and Raimbow4Africa, S.A.L.F immediately donated essential life-saving drugs to the Ukrainian population.

S.A.L.F S.p.A ensured that the donation of its medicines and intravenous solutions were safely delivered to destination.

The products were transported by a bus-hospital owned by Raimbow4Africa Association. The vehicle has an operating room and 8 beds.

The bus stopped in OcniČ›a, Moldova, where Association’s doctors and nurses are taking care of Ukrainian refugees, and then reached Otaci and Mohyliv (two of the Moldovan and Ukrainian neighborhoods separated by a river).

In the photo, Dr. Paolo Angeletti (HR Manager in S.A.L.F. S.p.A), next to a warehouse worker in charge of logistics operations